Monday, December 3, 2012

So I am totally obsessed with the 3 A.M. Teacher's borders. She had this as a freebie on TPT and it worked perfectly for the shades of meaning project that has been rolling around in my head. TOO Excited! Click the poster for a copy to use. Thanks 3AM teacher! See her button on the side to go to her blog. Too Cute. 
The project turned out great! It has 6 posters and a booklet to use for teaching shades of meaning. I am excited to use. Some of our team mates are trying it out next week- They'll be my guinea pigs to get any kinks out.

1 comment:

  1. That turned out great!! Thank you so much for the shout out and feel free to continue grabbing the freebies (-;

    I love your new blog!!

    The 3AM Teacher (Michelle Tsivgadellis)
    TPT Store:
